Create Healthier Lifestyle
Essential for everyone
나만의 의사와 영양사에게 밀착관리 받아보세요! Only $1.9/day. 무제한 원격진료 부터 정밀 혈액검사, 개인맞춤 건강&영양관리까지

DoctorHere Membership
나만의 의사와 영양사에게 밀착관리 받아보세요!
Membership Costs only $1.9/day
What's Included with DoctorHere Membership?
Your personal doctor and nutritionist to help you create a healthier lifestyle. Made just for you.
장기적인 건강관리의 시작, 당신만을 위한 Personal Doctor & Nutritionist 배정
진료 및 약처방 부터 식단관리, 운동, 스트레스 및 수면관리 등 치료부터 예방, 영양 및 식단관리까지
Advanced Blood Test 1회 무료 제공
간 및 신장 기능 검사, 심장 기능 검사, 전해질, 단백질, 칼슘, 영양, 당뇨, 혈당, HbA1c, 적혈구 및 백혈구 혈액건강, 콜레스테롤, 중성지방, 갑상선 기능 및 호르몬 검사 등, NO-COPAYS
체중, 혈압, 혈당, 식단, 운동, 수면 등 Health Data기록 및 Doctor & Nutritionist의 원격 모니터링을 통한 밀착관리 제공
체중, 혈압, 혈당, 식단, 운동, 수면 등 Health Data 기록 및 Doctor & Nutritionist의 원격 모니터링 제공(DoctorHere Web & App)
Prescription Delivery
처방약에 대한 약 배달이 필요한 분들께 약배달 서비스를 제공해드립니다.
Personal Doctor와 무제한 원격진료 및 처방
만성질환 관리, 경증질환 치료, 내과, 소아과, 피부과, 여성 및 남성건강 관련 1차진료 및 약처방, 2nd Opinion, LAB Referral 등
Doctor & Nutritionist의 건강검진 + 영양평가 제공
정밀 혈액검사, 문진 및 예진, 심층 원격진료 내용을 바탕으로 의사와 영양사가 건강검진 및 영양평가 제공
PC, Mobile , Tablet로 언제 어디서 Doctor & Nutritonist와 원격진료 가능 (Chat, Call, Video Call)
DoctorHere Website, Mobile Website, iOS & Android Application 지원
Cancel Anytime
Cancel Anytime
Personal Nutritionist와 무제한 원격 영양&식단 상담
영양 및 식단관리, 식습관 개선, 영양소 및 비타민 불균형 상담, 만성질환 및 기저질환 식단관리 등
Personalized Healthcare & Nutrition Program 제공
진료, 약처방, 영양 및 식단관리, 비타민, 운동, 수면, 스트레스 관리 등이 포함된 개인맞춤 건강 및 영양관리 프로그램
24/7 Messaging with Care Team
나만의 의사와 영양사, 케어매니저가 언제 어디서나 채팅으로 궁금증을 해결해 해드립니다.
Doctor & Nutritionist-led Programs
Included with membership
무료 가입상담 신청하기
DoctorHere Membership Advisor가 멤버십 프로그램, 건강 및 영양 개선 효과에 대해 친절하게 상담해드립니다.
지금 바로 15분 무료 상담을 예약해보세요!
Create a Healthy Lifestyle
with Your personal doctor and nutritionist
DoctorHere helps you create a healthier lifestyle

Broad Scope of Care
Your personal Doctor and Nutritionist assess and treat a wide variety of symptoms and conditions as part of your DoctorHere Membership.
What makes DoctorHere different?
Our doctor & Nutritionist’s visits are different from the norm.
Affordable Membership Cost, Only $1.9/day
Get your own personal Doctor and Nutritionist for only $1.9/day
Unlimited Doctor & Nutritionist Virtual Visits
Unlimited virtual visits and and prescriptions with your personal Doctor & Nutritionist
Same/Next Day, Virtual Visit
Anytime, anywhere via chat, call and video call. Easier and quicker virtual visits
Your Doctor and Nutritionist can help you create a healthier lifestyle to improve your overall health and quality of life
To help you achieve your Health Goal, your Doctor & Nutritionist are here to help.
무료 가입상담 신청하기
DoctorHere Membership Advisor가 멤버십 프로그램, 건강 및 영양 개선 효과에 대해 친절하게 상담해드립니다.
지금 바로 15분 무료 상담을 예약해보세요!
How DoctorHere Works?

Step 1 : In-depth health questionnaires -based comprehensive exam with your personal doctor

Step 2: Advanced Blood Tests (CHEM24, CBC, LIPID PANEL, TSH, HbA1c): liver and kidney function tests, heart function tests, electrolytes, protein, calcium, nutrition, diabetes, blood sugar, HbA1c, red blood cells and white blood cells blood health, cholesterol, triglycerides, thyroid function and hormone test, etc., NO-COPAY

Step 3 : Health check-up and nutrition evaluation by Doctor & Nutritionist based on Advanced Blood Tests

Step 4 : Health Goal setting and Personalized Healthcare & Nutrition Program design

Step 5 : Health Data Tracking for achieving Health Goals & virtual monitoring (visits, medication prescription, diet plans for meals and snacks, exercise, sleep, stress, etc)
Can I use my insurance?
You may be able to get coverage for clinical fees, lab work, and prescriptions.
Many members get up to 70% of their membership fee reimbursed as out-of-network medical care.
You can use FSA/HSA dollars to pay for clinical fees, tests, and supplements.
DoctorHere Partners and Investors
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
All plans come with a 30 day money-back guarantee after participating in the program. We want you to be over-the-moon satisfied with the program.
Participation in the program includes:
Signing up on or after January 31st, 2022 as a first-time customer
Being a qualifying member for a minimum of 30 days since sign up
Weighing in 3 or more weeks within 30 days of sign up
Communicating with your Nutritionist 4 or more weeks within 30 days of sign up
Submitting at least 1 follow-up form within 30 days of sign up (if applicable)

"The doctor and nutritionist are awesome and very supportive. Instead of just telling you what to do, they encourage and ask questions to help me come to conclusions and find answers that will work for me." - Rich J. -

ⓒ 2022 MEDIHERE Corp. All rights reserved.